Sunday, 10 January 2016

Alpha/Dictionary Challenge 2016

Good Morning all,

Welcome to the first day of our 
Challenge for 2016, the.....

Alpha/Dictionary Challenge

I think, judging by your comments that
a lot of you remember this from before, in 
2013.  It was very popular then and hope it
will be again.  Unfortunately if you look back
at the old posts, you will find many of the original
pictures are missing and I can't get them back. 

So, to recap, we will go through the 
whole alphabet, one letter every two weeks.
To keep you on your toes, we will not 
be completing the challenge in alphabetical 
order.  Ha ha!!

The DT will be playing along so I 
will bring you some pictures from them too.

If you want to have a go, then this is 
what you'll need to do......

If you want to use a Dictionary, then pick
something beginning with the letter of the week
and start playing!
Or you can use Tags/ATC's but they must show
the letter or word and the dictionary definition.
Please keep to whatever you choose for the whole 
Challenge, so no switching from Tag to 
Dictionary, to ATC etc, etc
You could also make pages for your Art Journal
if you prefer.

A new letter will be posted every two weeks
and you can enter via the usual link or
send your pics to me at 
and I will add them for you.

Mr Random Generator will be called in to
choose the winner every fortnight and they
will receive a £10 prize voucher.

You can enter as many times and for our
followers outside the UK, please feel free
to use your own language, it doesn't have to be
in English!

So, let's get started.....

Your first letter is going to be


pick something beginning with the letter
B and start playing along.
Just remember please that you MUST
include the letter/word AND the 

The link will be open for two weeks,
closing at midnight on Sunday 24th
January.  The next letter will also be 
announced on that day.

This is something Karen made with 
the letter B in our last challenge -

and Dawn -
Ballpoint Pen

Dawn has also added Butterflies

Here is one from Karen 

Ok, hope that you understand all 
my rules/instructions!
Not many rules as I want as many of you to 
join in as possible!

And don't forget there will be a prize at the 
end for a lucky winner who has completed and uploaded
every letter.  As before, everyone who finishes will 
be entered and Sandy, the DT and I will pick
a winner to win a special prize!

So off you go and cracking, can't
wait to see what you come up with!

Jane x

Just popping in to add some lovely pics here....

Anne O 

And this one, I have to tell you is from
little Eva in France who is 5 years old!
Bonjour and welcome Eva!!

And another.....

Su Ward

Jane x


  1. I hadn't realised how many charity shops were around on my high street (6 and counting...) but dictionaries... zilch, zero, none so I think I'm going with plan B, which coincidentally is this first fortnight theme!

    1. Ha ha, I'm sure it will B great, whatever you decide!
      Jane x

  2. Is it possible to have longer than a fortnight to submit an entry so that it allows for going on holiday? Even if that means the challenges overlap a bit.

    1. Hmmmm, I think it probably best to stick to the fortnight but if you are going to be away, poorly etc, send your pic to my email and I will add them on to the post. I don't want anyone to miss out!!
      Jane x

  3. Oh I am so lovin the idea of this. I started a dictionary on a Facebook group ages ago but not many were joining in so I lost interest. Can't wait to start again. Claire is right about the holidays - I'm hoping to go away for 3 weeks in November so would miss quite a lot which is a shame if you have particiapated all year. I wonder if it would be possible to be able to email the entry in advance to you. Annie xxx

    1. Yes of course, just send your pic to me on my email and I will add it to the post. Don't want anyone to miss out so I'm not going to be too strict about this!
      Jane x

  4. This sounds great fun to get out my dictionary and have a play.....b is for.....................;0) xx

    1. Ha ha Jane, lots to choose from!
      Jane x

  5. One thing to ask Jane...can I photo copy the dictionary page and use it....say multiple times on a project, or does the original piece of paper have to be stuck on the project?? Thanks

    1. Of course Jane, as long as the definition is there it can be anyway you like! Handwritten, printed off, once, twice as much as you like. I'm really not wanting to be too strict here!
      Jane x

  6. Hi, Love the idea - I was going to ask like Jane, do you NEED to add the original definition piece of paper from the dictionary.

    1. No a photocopy, handwritten, printed out, doesn't matter as long as the definition is there!
      Jane x

  7. Oh wow!!! I had so much fun completing this in 2013!!!!! So glad you are doing this again ... Tim to grab another Dictionary from my shelf .... and let my friends know!!! I'm so excited!!!

    1. Glad to have you along with us Eleni!
      Jane x

  8. Hi sorry but what are atc's ? Please

    1. It stands for artists trading cards, they are small credit card size pieces of card that can be decorated as you like. Hope that helps. Lou x

    2. Thank you Lou for answering! Yes Pen, as Lou says they are credit card sized cards which a lot of people make and collect, swap from others.
      Jane x

    3. Hi Jane, just another question - is there a size for the Tags? Just want to make sure I start off with something size wise I am happy with :)
      Crafty hugs Pen x

    4. Nope Penny, any size you like but as you say something you will be happy with!
      Jane x

    5. Hi, sorry to disagree but Artist Trading Cards are playing card-sized pieces of card 2.5 x 3.5 inches.

    6. Yes, Scrapmate you are right about the size! Sorry, should have realised that earlier!
      Jane x

    7. Not my playing card size ROFL. I'm super sizing it LOL. Hugz

  9. Great news really enjoyed the last challenge was it really 2013! How time flies when having crafting fun. Now just have to decide what to make ATC's, Tags, AJ, or Dictionary.......... 😊

    1. Ha ha good luck with your decision Maggie!
      Jane x

  10. Gorgeous. Wonderful inspiration from the Design Team. I'll creating journal pages.

    1. Can't wait to see Silvia! Thank you for joining us!
      Jane x

  11. Looking forward to this challenge, I enjoyed the last one! xx

    1. Glad you will be joining us Lesley!
      Jane x

  12. Just added my link decided on AJ this time, really had great fun making this page, thanks for the challenge. Looking forward to having a look around as many blogs as I can.

  13. I'm in. Hope to join every fortnight this time. Hugz

  14. The challenge in 2013 was my first challenge I did and I loved it, I will be making something slightly different this time, the alphabet of happiness I hope this qualifies.

  15. Jane, I have included my word with it's definition on my entries but I haven't got a letter B on them. Do I need a B or is the word with definition OK? I thought 'Just remember please that you MUST include the letter/word AND the
    definition' meant the word beginning with the letter and it's definition. Let me know please. Hugz

    1. I think it's just the word and the definition that are a must. You don't HAVE to use the letter.

    2. The definition is a must, the word you choose must be incorporated somehow in your creation and the letter if you wish!
      Jane x

    3. Thanks. That's great. Looking forward to playing with the next letter. Hugz

  16. Another great challenge and beautiful DT entries. I Hope I will be able to finish this project this time :)


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