Thursday, 1 October 2015
Many of you will know Ian turned 65 in September and he decided that he wanted to work out a timeframe for him to be able to retire.
We initially agreed that we would continue to run the shop here until our lease expired in around three and a half years, however, just under 3 weeks ago we were approached by a retail pet store chain, looking for premises. This has given us the opportunity to reassess our options.
We have therefore made the decision to change the direction of the business and take it “on line only” going forward. This will markedly reduce Ian’s workload and free up time for him.
The good news is you'll still be able to order from us online and by phone. Web and telephone orders will not be affected and will continue to be processed as normal and we'll be making some improvements to the website over the coming weeks too.
Whilst I and many of you will be sad to see the shop itself close, we will continue to run classes and clubs from home, which is only about 2 miles from the shop. All of our current tutors have indicated that they would be happy to continue to work with us. We’ll be in touch shortly if you have booked classes, to chat with you about the changes but please don’t hesitate to contact us in the meantime if you want to discuss options with us.
The new tenants want a very fast turnaround and to be in situ before the end of October which means that the shop itself will close on 18th October.
We would like to thank everyone who has supported The Craft Barn over the last 8 years, it has been a pleasure getting to know you and we hope that you will continue to support us on line and come along to classes.
I want to take this opportunity to thank our fabulous staff team who are nothing short of amazing and who we have come to love wholeheartedly, the real sorrow is in not being able to keep them all with us.
See you soon
Sandy xx
PS If you want to join in the mini album club next year and haven't been in touch, we really want/need to hear from you please so we can judge demand and sort out dates for the year with Kathy Byrne.
We are very grateful for any comment you might leave.
All comments are moderated due to the huge amount of spam we receive. Your comment will not appear immediately. If you have any questions, please contact us directly, as your email address does not show in your comment, and therefore we cannot get back to you. Thank you.
Wishing you much success in your new venture with your on-line only store
Sounds like the opportunity came at just the right time for you. Glad you are continuing online though. Hope it all goes smoothly
ReplyDeleteAnd I was so pleased you moved next to the Priory farm shop so I could convince my OH to go more often! Selfishly I am gutted, but it sounds like this is the right move at the right time for you. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteGosh I'm really sad to hear that but if it's the right direction for the business I wish you well. I have really enjoyed shopping with you, in my eyes there is nothing better than "eye balling" products in the flesh. I was sad to see the Craft barn shut the first time and equally so the 2nd. I really hope to be able to still attend classes. I really enjoyed the last one. Good luck in your new venture.
ReplyDeleteWow, sounds like a perfectly timed offer. I have never had the pleasure of a visit so all my expeiences with you have been online. I hope the transition goes smoothly. Hugz
ReplyDeleteReally sad for me - you were my nearest craft shop - but it seems to have come at the perfect time for you. I wish you every success online.
ReplyDeleteSad to hear the physical shop will be no more, but it sounds like the timing of the offer was too good to miss! Wishing you lots of luck with the new shape of things.
ReplyDeleteAlison x
I'd like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to Sandy, Ian and all the staff and tutors over the years, for the crafting knowledge, inspiration and stash you have brought us and look forward to joining you on your future journey together.
ReplyDeletex Gabby
Sad to hear the shop is closing, I've never made it through the door because I live in Scotland but I have plenty of friends that come regularly. I do, however, wish all the very best to the pair of you.
Thank you for your messages. It still feels slightly surreal because it's happened so fast and at the same time sad to say goodbye but also positive for the future.
ReplyDeleteSandy xx
Sandy, Ian et al, sad to read the news, but it would seem that the opportunity appeared at the right time for the change in direction. As one door closes, another one opens.
ReplyDeleteWhile the bricks & mortar shop is too far away (I live in Gloucestershire) for frequent visits, the Extravaganzas/Summer Fest have been a permanent fixture in my calendar since 2009. It's often been said that there is nothing like it. Soooo glad that I decided to attend Lin Brown's class on Sunday and I'll be there Saturday too.
Very best wishes for the future. And who knows I may still make it to future classes.
Pauline xx
Sorry to hear that you are closing the physical shop. I'm from Sweden and have visited you some times. You have such a great assortment, and nothing is the same that the possibility to feel the things you are going to buy. But I wish you good luck with the future webshop!