Wednesday, 1 August 2018

A final Goodbye

This is just a little note to say goodbye from Ian and I as we reach the final closing of the Craft Barn.  
We want to say a heartfelt thank you to you all for your support over the last 10 years.  We are going to really miss seeing and talking to you all even as we are looking forward to the next chapter of our lives. 
We hope you will continue to craft and enjoy this wonderful hobby, personally I will certainly keep crafting and I'm sure I will bump into at least some of you at various fairs and shows.
With thanks, love and hugs to you all
Sandy and Ian 


  1. wishing you all the very best in your long-coming retirement.. thanks for everything

  2. Ooh we will miss you! Enjoy all you do in the future - take care and thank you. Hugs xxxxxxxxx

  3. So sad to see you go but good luck in the future xx

  4. Best Wishes for the future

  5. Thank you for a lot of happy times and crafting memories. Best wishes to you both in your retirement xxx

  6. Sending big hugs and thanks for having me around, loved every minute. Big hugs, Angela xXx

  7. I have such good memories of the shop and those brilliant events you organised over the years... I will miss it and the whole team. My best wishes for the future for you and Ian. xx

  8. Wishing you both a very happy and long retirement together, it's much deserved. The craft barn has played a large part in my crafting life for which I will always hold dear to my heart. I learnt so many techniques, ideas and much, much more from the wonderful crafting weekends and demo days so a massive thank you to all who have worked at the Craft Barn over the years. Good luck to all. Xx


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