Sunday 5 June 2016

Two Weekly Challenge

Happy Sunday everyone,

Here we are again, Challenge day!!
Hope you are all enjoying your weekend.

These Challenges seem to be flying 
by and I am really getting stumped for
new ideas.

I actually came up with this one quite 
quickly, knowing that a lot of you won't
have the lovely Starlight Paints (yet)!!
So instead I thought your project must have
some stars included somewhere.  No,
going to be tough here, not one star, 
Starssssss, as many as you like!

Can you manage that....yes of course you can!

You know the rules, you have two weeks
to enter as many time as you like.  Entry
via the link where possible but if not
then send your pics to me at
and I will add them for you.
The link will close at midnight on 
Sunday 19th June and the winner will 
be picked by Random Generator and
announced on Tuesday 21st June.  There
will be a £10 voucher as a prize.

Have fun with the stars!!

See you soon,

Jane x


  1. Not a lot of stars here Jane but plenty of sunshine ;0) Happy Sunday xx

  2. Happy Sunday. Very sunny day it is too. And there I thought you were going to go with paint. Just in case you really are stumped may I suggest paint, dogs, three colours, black and white only, legs, use some metal, use some fabric, boo, and under the sea. Probably not all at the same time though bwahahahaha. Love playing along with your chalenges. Hugz

    1. Oh thank you so much for the ideas!! Ha ha I think we should do them all at the same time....and with that pesky dragonfly somewhere too!!!!!!!
      Jane x

    2. Ok, but possibly the dog under the sea and three colours, but only black and white would present a serious challenge. Sounds like one of those nonsense riddles I went round the corner tomorrow, I saw a dead donkey alive, I took out my knife and I shot him, and that's how the dead donkey died...... I am blaming it all on the dragon fly. Hugz

    3. Ha ha ha just seen this, sorry it's great!!!! I might have to use this as the challenge of course with the pesky dragonfly!!
      Jane x

  3. Lots of little stars on my entry! Its good to join in again! xxx


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