Sunday 24 July 2016

Alpha/Dictionary Challenge 2016

Hello, Hello, Hello

Summer is here at last!
Hope you've all got some nice things
planned for the weekend.
And holidays too?

Well enjoy the sunshine while it is
here, who knows how long it will 
be with us, in fact I think the south 
is probably doing better than the north!
Don't like these hot nights though,
bad enough trying to sleep with 
hot flushes!! Ha ha!

So, it is Sunday and Challenge Day.
This week it is time for the new letter
to add to our Alpha/Dictionary Challenge.

The DT have had their say and our
new letter is.......


No twists you'll be pleased to hear!

Karen has been busy as usual and made....

C for camera.

Another lovely addition for her tray.

Ok, you have two weeks to enter 
as many times as you like.  The link will 
close at midnight 7th August.
If you can't use the link then send your
pics to me at
and I will add them for you.
The winner will, as usual, be picked
by Random Generator and will be announced
Tuesday 9th August.

Your project must include something
beginning with the word C and also
have somewhere a definition of the 
word you have chosen.  It can be
a Dictionary definition or one you have made 
up yourself!

All clear??  Of course it is!

Good luck everyone and don't forget if
you haven't entered the last one,
you still have until midnight.

See you soon,

Jane x

Just adding this....

27. papercrafteranon


28. jack in the box


  1. Sitting on my sunlounger in Tuscany thinking about this one x

    1. That I didn't want to know, I love Tuscany. (Wendy, green with envy)

  2. Hi Jane the link has already expired so we can't add any more pages for this fortnight.


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