Sunday 18 September 2016

Alpha/Dictionary Challenge

Good morning everyone!

Hope you are all ready for the next letter in our
Alpha/Dictionary Challenge
and this time the letter is


Karen has added to her tray

Have fun!

The challenge closes at midnight on 02 October 2016
and you can enter as many times as you wish
via the link.
If you can't use the link, email your pics
to me and I will add them for you
The winner will be picked
by the Random Generator on
Tuesday 04 October

I'm sure you all know the rules but just to be
sure, each entry must include the dictionary definition
or one made up by yourself.

Have fun!


  1. That's the one I was dreading... Thoroughly tempted to do what Karen has done an go for X-mas!

  2. Om goodness I was going to try here on hols....we'll see x

  3. Yikes!I just knew this was the next one! This one is definitely a challenge!

  4. Ouch .... this is going to be tough. Especially when a person has a pocket Oxford dictionary with only six definitions to choose from!

  5. Woops, do you mean the definition has to be actually on the card? If so, please delete my entry


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