Sunday 1 May 2016

Alpha/Dictionary 2016 Challenge

Morning all,

Sunday here again....and the
1st May!!  It's Bank Holiday Weekend
too so I guess this weird either we have 
been having will definitely stay for the
weekend.  I think we have had just about 
a bit of everything all in one day!

OK, it's Alpha/Dictionary Challenge Day
and time for a new letter......and will there
be a twist I wonder?  Hmmmmm.....

I have been giving the DT the choice of letters 
but this time it was me....
What did I choose, well I thought 

 J and I'm sorry but with a Dragonfly
I promise, promise no more dragonflies
after this....well not for a while anyway!

Karen has made this to add to her tray,
isn't it lovely??

I'm sure you know by now what you
have to do. As many entries as you like.
You have two weeks to do your project(s)
using the letter J and including a definition
of the word chosen and a dragonfly!
Entry via the link where possible but
if not send your pics to me at
The link will close at midnight on
Sunday 15th May.  The winner will be
picked by Random Generator and 
announced on Tuesday 17th May.
A £10 voucher will be up for grabs!!

So, wonder what you are going to do?
I'm looking forward to seeing your 

See you on Tuesday, enjoy the rest 
of the Bank Holiday weekend.

Jane x

Adding this for 
25. Rebecca W
(will give it a number when link closes)

26. Moira L.

27. Eva


  1. Tricky combination to have a think!

  2. The Dragonfly I cope with, it's the J I'm worried about!

  3. Lol...that's a tricky one. It's a shame our name isn't in a dictionary. .I could use a photo! Happy May xx

  4. Oh, I know what I'm going to do!!!!!!!!

  5. oh goody Dragonflies thank you Jane cant get enough of them.....J.....will have to get my little grey cells working....will be back later with mine

  6. Not been having too good a time over the last few weeks and so missed the last letter - I so wanted to join in with every page - don't know whether this week will be any better but are we allowed to back track to catch up?

    1. Of course you can Annie, I know it's not been an easy time for you!
      Jane x

  7. Haha love reading your comments, I thought you would be fed up with the dragonflies, not worrying about the J!!!
    Jane x

  8. I had a brain wave yesterday and see I am the first to enter this time. Love the challenge.

    crafty hugs Pen x

  9. Great combination ;) Your dragonfly looks beautiful.

  10. Fiendish Jane! I had an idea for "J" ages ago but there is no way a dragonfly is going to fit what I had in mind. No matter, got another idea now.


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