Saturday 29 July 2017

Woodn't it be Lovely?

Woodn't it be Lovely?

Saturday Greetings to you!

No, I'm not sure what they
are either but I feel it does
make Saturday sound a
little special!

In many ways it is sad that
weekends and weekdays 
just seem to run into each
other but oh, I could not
count the times when I've
been grateful for the shops
being open all weekend....

Proof if ever there was that
you cannot please all the
people all of the time!

We have Claire Jackson here
today to show us what she
has made of the Kaisercraft
Wooden Flourishes

" Hi!  I think they are very versatile. 
I’ve used them for altering books and boxes,
 making frames and card embellishments
 and with summer in full swing,
 I thought they would be great for making
 some co-ordinating jewellery.

First I sprayed some Color Bloom 2
 marigold ink into a glass pot to paint with. 

You can spray directly onto the wooden 
piece but it is a bit wasteful 
for such a small item. 

Make sure you give the bottle a good shake
 so that the mica is completely mixed in.

 I painted two layers on the bird cages 
to get a deeper colour. 

If you want a more pastel look,
 paint a white layer first in chalk acrylic
 paint which will give a partial resist.

Next I painted the swallows.
 Don’t forget to turn them so they face
 in different directions. 

I only added a second layer across 
the wings to create some shading.

Heat emboss the shapes by pressing 
one side onto a clear embossing ink pad 
and dipping it into clear embossing powder 
before melting it with a heat tool. 

I repeated this three times to 
build up a nice smooth finish.
If you are quick between layers you
 don’t need to re-ink as the embossing
 powder will stick to the warm layer below.

Try experimenting with different combinations
 of shapes and colours. 
You can paint two different colours
 onto one piece, but I would advise
 being a little more patient than I was
 and make sure the first colour is completely
 dry to minimise them bleeding together.

Finish off with gems and jewellery findings. 

They are a great idea for inexpensive presents 
or if you are holding a craft stall at a fair."

Materials used:

Kaisercraft wooden flourishes pack: bloom, antiques
Color Bloom 2 spray mist: dragonfly blue, fir needles, pot marigold
Clear emboss ink pad:
Detail embossing powder: clear

Well, I certainly did not see
that coming Claire!  Thank you
so much for yet another super idea!

So, that was the last project for
this week.  What did you think?
I really enjoyed seeing what was
inside the box and will look at
the contents more closely now

'Till tomorrow

Mickie xx


  1. I love how you layered the flourishes for more dimension Claire! The jewellery is unique, summery and fun, a great gift idea. I can see you like the Kaisercraft wooden embellishments, what with 3 packs in your stash! I like them too, much better than chipboard and cheaper and quicker than making your own embellishments with dies...

    1. I agree they are a cheap and robust way of adding an embellishment...good to have as back up in your stash!

  2. Very clever idea Claire. Something 12/13yr olds would enjoy making in the school hols too X

    1. I think that was my inspiration, jewellery I wore when I was younger!

  3. These little beauties just have so many uses. Happy crafting everyone, Angela xXx

    1. I agree great to add to mixed media projects.

  4. Ah yes indeed, what a great idea of lovely presents to do or to exhibit at a fair!!
    Thank you Claire xx


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