Sunday, 31 May 2015

Weekly Challenge


Hope this finds you all enjoying the weekend!

It's the last one in May and June starts tomorrow so
we are nearly half way through the year already!!
Where does the time go??

So here we are again on Sunday morning and the start of a
new Weekly Challenge.
The last week has been all about Transport so I think we
shall have to stick with that.
The DT were asked to feature something that needed
a licence for.....but I'm not going to worry about that for

Any form of transport - roller skates, ice skates, skis,
car, plane whatever you want as long as it
 'transports' you.

As usual you have one week, as many entries as you like 
which will close at midnight on Sunday 7th June.
Entries via the link below if possible or email them to me

The winner will be picked by Random Generator
and receive a £10 gift voucher.
The winner will be announced on Tuesday 10th June.
Good luck everyone!

Jane x 


  1. Brrrrrrmmmmmmm brrrrmmmmmmmm. What fun. Where's my flying pig???..... Hugz

  2. Thank you for the great transport challenge Jane!! I've just linked-up mine... :) Happy Wednesday! Coco xx


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