Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Calendar Challenge - September

Good morning to you all,

Can you believe it is September here already,
that means the little 'ankle biters' will be going 
back to school very soon.  Do I hear a 'yes' from
everywhere??  I am so glad I do not have to do
the dreaded new uniform shop any more.
No you can't have those shoes, the heel is too
high, not enough support, you'll get blisters 
blah blah blah.  The scary thing is I remember my
mum saying exactly the same thing to me!  I can't 
believe the shoes my eldest daughter wears to work....
don't know how she can even walk in them!!  Haha!

Ok, it is time to announce the next two words 
for September.....


Well no surprise there then!

This is what Neil has made .....

And this is how his calendar is looking
so far -

How nice is that??

And we have this from Dawn...

Lovely, Dawn!

I'm sure you know what you have to do, as
many entries as you like, via the link if
possible but if not then to me at
You have until midnight 30th September
and the winner will be announced on
Friday 2nd October.  the winner will be picked 
by Random Generator and will receive a £10
Gift Voucher.
Also, please make sure your creation
is to be part of a calendar page, you do not have
to have entered every month but only those who 
have will be entered into the the final Challenge.

So off you go and get busy! 

See you soon,

Jane x

1 comment:

  1. The summer has been wayyyyyy to short this year, I haven't had a sufficient dose of sun and heat! I do like the autumn colours though so silver lining and all that...


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